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    +"title": "Awali Tahun 2024, Hillcon Raih Award BEST SMALL CAP IPO IN INDONESIA dari Alpha SOutheast Asia"
    +"title_en": "Starting Off 2024, Hillcon Tbk Wins Award by Alpha South Eastasia for BEST SMALL CAP IPO IN INDONESIA"
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    +"content": """
      Mengawali tahun 2024, emiten kontraktor pertambangan nikel PT Hillcon Tbk meraih penghargaan Best Small Cap IPO in Indonesia. Penghargaan ini diselenggarakan oleh Alpha Southeast Asia, 17th Deal & Solution Award 2023 di Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta, Selasa (6/2/2024).\r\n
      Sucor Sekuritas menerima penghargaan dalam perannya sebagai joint lead underwriters.\r\n
      Sebagai informasi PT Hillcon Tbk (HILL) resmi mencatatkan saham perdana atau IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Jakarta, Rabu, 1 Maret 2023. Dengan meraih dana senilai Rp 552,8 miliar, yang sebagian akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan industri nikel di Tanah Air.\r\n
      HILL berhasil membukukan kinerja keuangan positif pada kuartal III-2023, HILL berhasil mencetak laba bersih Rp 261,14 miliar atau naik 27,31% secara tahunan dibandingkan periode tahun lalu, yakni Rp 204,11 miliar.\r\n
      Direktur Hillcon, Jaya Angdika mengatakan bahwa penerimaan best small cap IPO di Indonesia menunjukkan optimisme investor terhadap pasar modal Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya tingkat oversubscribe dan naiknya harga saham pada saat awal perdagangan.\r\n
      Bernadus Wijaya, CEO Sucor Sekuritas mengungkapkan penghargaan ini menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan investor terhadap Sucor Sekuritas meningkat. Dia bilang ini adalah bukti nyata bahwa Sucor Sekuritas terus berusaha untuk memberikan layanan terbaik dan mendukung pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan di pasar keuangan Indonesia.\r\n
      "Semoga di tahun 2024 akan lebih banyak penerbitan lagi, tidak hanya di penerbitan obligasi tetapi juga penerbitan saham," kata dia dalam keterangannya, Rabu (7/2).\r\n
      Lebih lanjut Direktur Investment Banking Sucor Sekuritas, Achdiarini Siwiwardhani menyatakan bahwa penghargaan yang diterima tersebut selanjutnya menjadi pemicu bagi <em>Investment Banking Sucor Sekuritas untuk terus berupaya yang terbaik dalam mendampingi emiten dan calon emiten dalam mengakses pendanaan di pasar modal baik melalui IPO, bonds, sukuk maupun aktivitas merger and acquisition.\r\n
      Sumber berita:\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      Starting off 2024, nickel mining contractor PT Hillcon Tbk won the Best Small Cap IPO award in Indonesia. This award was organized by Alpha Southeast Asia, 17th Deal & Solution Award 2023 at Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/2/2024).\r\n
      Sucor Sekuritas received awards for its role as joint lead underwriters.\r\n
      PT Hillcon Tbk (HILL) officially listed its initial shares or IPO on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Jakarta, Wednesday, March 1 2023. By raising funds worth IDR 552.8 billion, part of which will be used to develop the nickel industry within the country.\r\n
      HILL succeeded in posting positive financial performance in the third quarter of 2023, HILL managed to record a net profit of IDR 261.14 billion or an increase of 27.31% on an annual basis compared to last year's period, namely IDR 204.11 billion.\r\n
      Hillcon Director, Jaya Angdika said that the acceptance of the best small cap IPO in Indonesia shows investors' optimism about the Indonesian capital market. This can be seen from the high level of over subscription and the increase in share prices at the start of trading.\r\n
      Bernadus Wijaya, CEO of Sucor Sekuritas, said that this award shows that investor confidence in Sucor Sekuritas has increased. He said this was clear proof that Sucor Sekuritas continues to strive to provide the best service and support sustainable growth in the Indonesian financial market.\r\n
      "Hopefully in 2024 there will be more issuance, not only bond issuance but also share issuance," he said in his statement, Wednesday (7/2).\r\n
      Furthermore, the Director of Investment Banking Sucor Sekuritas, Achdiarini Siwiwardhani, stated that recieving this award becomes a trigger for Investment Banking Sucor Sekuritas to continue to do its best in assisting issuers and prospective issuers in accessing funding in the capital market, whether through IPOs, bonds, sukuk or merger activities. acquisition.\r\n
      Original Source:\r\n
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    +"title": "PT Hillconjaya Sakti Raih Penganugrahan Produktivitas Paramakarya 2023"
    +"title_en": "PT Hillconjaya Sakti Receives Paramakarya Productivity Award 2023"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Sebagai perusahaan dengan kontraktor pertambangan dan konstruksi terkemuka di Indonesia, PT Hillconjaya Sakti berkomitmen untuk terus proaktif dalam meningkatkan produktivitas kinerja dan kualitas tenaga kerja dalam tiap bidang usaha. Kerja keras ini terbukti dengan diperolehnya Penghargaan Produktivitas dengan kategori Unggul, berupa penghargaan Paramakarya. Penghargaan ini sebagai salah satu bentuk apresiasi dari Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan yang diberikan kepada perusahaan PT Hillconjaya Sakti yang telah berhasil menerapkan konsep produktivitas dalam perusahaannya</p>\r\n
      <p>Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan (Kemnaker) menggelar Naker Award 2023 bertema &quot;Wujudkan Indonesia Emas 2045&quot; yang digelar di Balai Sarbini, Jakarta pada Jumat 1 Desember 2023. Ajang ini memberikan penghargaan kepada pelaku industri dan provinsi atas kontribusi penting bagi pembangunan ketenagakerjaan Indonesia, serta para gubernur yang telah berhasil membina pembangunan ketenagakerjaan di daerahnya.</p>\r\n
      <p>Penghargaan secara seremonial diberikan oleh Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Bapak K.H. Ma&#39;ruf Amin. Semoga penghargaan ini menjadi penyemangat Perseroan untuk terus berinovasi dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sejalan dengan peningkatan produktivitas.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>As a leading mining and construction contractor in Indonesia, PT Hillconjaya Sakti is committed to proactively enhancing performance productivity and workforce quality in every business sector. This dedication is evident through the attainment of the Excellent Productivity Award, also known as the Paramakarya Award. This recognition is a form of appreciation from the Ministry of Manpower, acknowledging PT Hillconjaya Sakti&#39;s successful implementation of productivity concepts in its operations.</p>\r\n
      <p>The Ministry of Manpower&nbsp; organized the Naker Award 2023 with the theme of &quot;Realizing Indonesia Emas 2045,&quot; held at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta on Friday, December 1, 2023. This event honors industry contributors and provinces for their significant contributions to the development of Indonesia&#39;s workforce, as well as governors who have successfully fostered workforce development in their regions.</p>\r\n
      <p>The ceremonial awards were presented by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. K.H. Ma&#39;ruf Amin. May this recognition serve as motivation for the Company to continue innovating in workforce development, aligning with the ongoing efforts to improve productivity.</p>\r\n
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    +"created_at": "2023-12-05 07:36:01"
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    +"title": "PT. HILLCON Pulau Gebe Salurkan Sejumlah Bantuan, Warga Ucapkan Terima Kasih"
    +"title_en": "PT. HILLCON Gebe Island Distributes Aids, Residents Express GRATITUDE"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p><strong>HALTENG, <a href="http://Teropongmalut.com">Teropongmalut.com</a> &ndash; </strong>Menjelang Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah ke 33 Tahun 2023 ini, PT. HILLCON yang beroperasi penambangan di Pulau Terapung Gebe ini menyalurkan sejumlah bantuan berupa peralatan pengalas tidur (spon, bantal dan seprey) kepada warga Pulau Gebe yang menjadikan satu unit rumah di Kota Weda sebagai rumah singgah jika berurusan di Kota Weda.</p>\r\n
      <p>Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan ini melakukan perihal kemanusiaan bukan baru pertama kalinya. Tak hanya pengalas tempat tidur, tetapi penyaluran sembako pun sudah dilakukan berulangkali.</p>\r\n
      <p>&ldquo;Penyaluran bantuan ini berlangsung Selasa tanggal 17 Oktober 2023 di salah satu rumah warga Kota Weda yakni Ibu Sara Idris yang dijadikan sebagai rumah singgah oleh warga Pulau Gebe selama ini. Hal ini lanjut Sara Idris bahwa penyerahan bantuan ini merupakan agenda rutin perusahaan dan ini sebagai kewajiban dan komitmen perusahaan berdasarkan UU, sehingga CSR dan PPM sebagai bentuk komitmen perusahaan terhadap warga masyarakat Pulau Gebe,&rdquo; terangnya.</p>\r\n
      <p>Penyaluran bantuan ini, kata Sara Idris dalam rangka untuk membantu meringankan beban masyarakat lingkar tambang yang berurusan di Kota Weda. &ldquo;Untuk itu, kami mewakili warga masyarakat yang menerima bantuan ini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak perusahaan PT. HILLCON yang sudah membantu masyarakat Pulau Gebe yang berurusan di Kota Weda, semoga segala urusan dan aktivitas pihak perusahaan selalu lancar karena sudah memberikan dampak kemanusiaan kepada warga Pulau Gebe,&rdquo; tukasnya.</p>\r\n
      <p>Terkait penyaluran sejumlah bantuan tersebut Penanggung Jawab PT. HILLCON Pulau Gebe, Maridup P. Sirait saat dihubungi media Rabu tanggal 18 Oktober 2023 pagi tadi membenarkan bahwa penyaluran bantuan itu semata-mata sebagai komitmen perusahaan terhadap masyarakat Pulau Gebe yang menjadikan salah satu rumah warga di Kota Weda sebagai rumah singgah. Dan harapannya semoga bermanfaat untuk masyarakat,&rdquo; pungkasnya.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p><strong>HALTENG, <a href="http://Teropongmalut.com">Teropongmalut.com</a> &ndash; </strong>Approaching the 33rd Anniversary of the Regional Government of Central Halmahera Regency in 2023, PT. HILLCON, who operates mining activity on the Pulau Terapung Gebe, distributed a number of aids in the form of sleeping equipment (sponges, pillows and bedsheets) to the residents of Gebe Island who constructed a unit of house in Weda City which serves as an employee&rsquo;s transit house when dealing with Weda City.</p>\r\n
      <p>This is not the first time this company whooperates in the mining sector has carried out humanitarian actions. Not only bed covers, but the distribution of basic necessities has also been carried out repeatedly.</p>\r\n
      <p>&quot;The distribution of this aid took place on Tuesday, October 17th 2023, at one of the houses of Weda City residents, namely Mrs. Sara Idris, which has been used as a employee&rsquo;s transit house by the residents of Gebe Island all this time. &quot;Sara Idris continued that the delivery of this aid is a routine company agenda and this is the company&#39;s obligation and commitment based on the law, so that CSR and PPM are a form of the company&#39;s commitment to the residents of Gebe Island,&quot; she explained.</p>\r\n
      <p>The distribution of this aid, said Sara Idris, is done in order to help ease the burden on communities around the mining area dealing in Weda City. &ldquo;For this reason, we represent the community members who received this assistance to express our gratitude to PT. HILLCON, which has helped the people of Gebe Island who deal in Weda City, hopefully all the company&#39;s affairs and activities will always run smoothly because it has such humanitarian impact on the people of Gebe Island,&quot; he said.</p>\r\n
      <p>Regarding the distribution of a number of aids, the person in charge of PT. Gebe Island HILLCON, Maridup P. Sirait, when contacted by the media, Wednesday, October 18th 2023, confirmed that the distribution of aid was solely as a company commitment to the people of Gebe Island who made one of the residents&#39; houses in Weda City a halfway house. And hopefully will be useful for residences,&quot; he concluded.</p>\r\n
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  10 => {#378
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    +"title": "3 Saham Baru Listing Masuk Indeks FTSE, bareng Bumi Resources (BUMI) & Bukalapak (BUKA)"
    +"title_en": "3 Newly Listed Stocks Enter the FTSE Index, alongside with Bumi Resources (BUMI) & Bukalapak (BUKA)"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p><strong>JAKARTA, investor.id</strong> - FTSE Russel melakukan <em>semi-annual review</em> alias perubahan penghuni FTSE Global Equity Index Series, termasuk di antaranya untuk saham-saham Asia Pasifik di luar Jepang dan Tiongkok.</p>\r\n
      <p>Dalam keterangan resmi FTSE Russel dikutip Sabtu (19/8/2023), dijelaskan bahwa perubahan akan berlaku efektif setelah penutupan Jumat, 15 September 2023 atau start mulai&nbsp;Senin, 18 September 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hasil <em>review </em>indeks masih bisa saja berubah sampai dengan penutupan tanggal 1 September. Namun, efektif 4 September, hasil <em>review </em>indeks akan bersifat final.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sejumlah saham yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) menjadi penghuni baru di FTSE Global Equity Index.&nbsp; Beberapa di antaranya adalah saham PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA), PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS), PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAPA), dan PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGEO) yang masuk dalam <em>small cap</em> FTSE Global Equity Index Asia Pasifik.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sebagai informasi, saham Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGEO) baru dicatatkan (<em>listing</em>) di BEI per&nbsp;24 Februari 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sementara itu, saham PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN) dari sebelumnya berada di <em>mid cap </em>menjadi ke <em>small cap</em>. Adapun saham PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS) dan PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL) dihapus dari perhitungan <em>small cap</em>.</p>\r\n
      <p><em><strong>Micro Cap</strong></em></p>\r\n
      <p>Di kategori micro cap, saham yang dimasukkan perhitungan, yakni Adi Sarana Armada (ASSA), Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia (TUGU), Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur (BJTM), Darma Henwa (DEWA), Energi Mega Persada (ENRG), Hartadinata Abadi (HRTA), Hillcon (HILL), Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal (IPCC), Industri Dan Perdagangan Bintraco Dharma (CARS), Krakatau Steel (KRAS), Petrindo Jaya Kreasi (CUAN), Sumber Tani Agung Resources (STAA).</p>\r\n
      <p>Saham Hillcon dan Petrindo Jaya Kreasi juga baru dicatatkan&nbsp;BEI. Saham Hillcon mulai tercatat di BEI per 1 Maret 2023, sedangkan Petrindo Jaya &ndash; emiten Prajogo Pangestus &ndash; mulai tercatat per 8 Maret 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>Karena itu, ada 3 saham baru <em>listing</em> di BEI pada tahun ini yang sudah masuk perhitungan indeks global FTSE, yakni PGEO, HILL, dan CUAN.</p>\r\n
      <p>Di sisi lain terdapat saham-saham yang dikeluarkan dari perhitungan <em>micro cap</em>, yakni Acest Indonusa (ACST), Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (ADMF), Astra Otoparts (AUTO), Bintang Mitra Semestaraya (BMSR), Buyung Poetra Sembada (HOKI), Indofarma (INAF), Kino Indonesia (KINO), KMI Wire &amp; Cable (KBLI), Nusantara Infrastructure (META), Pelat Timah Nusantara (NIKL), Petrosea (PTRO), Sillo Maritime Perdana (SHIP).</p>\r\n
      <p>Sebagai informasi, FTSE Russell adalah anak perusahaan dari London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) yang memproduksi, memelihara, melisensikan, dan memasarkan indeks pasar saham.</p>\r\n
      <p>Editor: <strong>Theresa Sandra Desfika</strong> (<a href="mailto:theresa.sandra@investor.id">theresa.sandra@investor.id</a>)</p>\r\n
      <p>Sumber Berita <a href="News%20Source:%20https:/investor.id/market/338404/3-saham-baru-listing-masuk-indeks-ftse-bareng-bumi-resources-bumi-bukalapak-buka/2">https://investor.id/market/338404/3-saham-baru-listing-masuk-indeks-ftse-bareng-bumi-resources-bumi-bukalapak-buka/2</a></p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p><strong>JAKARTA, investor.id</strong> - FTSE Russell is conducting a semi-annual review, also known as changes to the occupants of the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, including for Asia Pacific shares outside Japan and China.</p>\r\n
      <p>In an official statement from FTSE Russel quoted on Saturday (19/8/2023), it was explained that the changes would be effective after closing Friday, 15 September 2023 or starting from Monday, 18 September 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>The results of the index review may still change until the closing date of September 1. However, effective on September 4, the results of the index review will be final.</p>\r\n
      <p>A number of shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) have become new residents of the FTSE Global Equity Index. Some of them are shares of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA), PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS), PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAPA), and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGEO) which included in the small cap FTSE Global Equity Index Asia Pacific.</p>\r\n
      <p>For information, Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGEO) shares were only listed on the IDX as of February 24 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>Meanwhile, PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN) shares went from being at mid cap to small cap. Meanwhile, shares of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS) and PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL) were removed from the small cap calculation.</p>\r\n
      <p><strong>Micro Cap</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>In the micro cap category, the shares included in the calculation are Adi Sarana Armada (ASSA), Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia (TUGU), East Java Regional Development Bank (BJTM), Darma Henwa (DEWA), Energi Mega Persada (ENRG), Hartadinata Abadi (HRTA), Hillcon (HILL), Indonesia Vehicle Terminal (IPCC), Bintraco Dharma Industry and Trade (CARS), Krakatau Steel (KRAS), Petrindo Jaya Kreasi (CUAN), Sumber Tani Agung Resources (STAA).</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon and Petrindo Jaya Kreasi shares have also just been recently listed on the IDX. Hillcon shares began to be listed on the IDX as of March 1 2023, while Petrindo Jaya &ndash; the issuer of Prajogo Pangestus &ndash; began to be listed as of March 8 2023.</p>\r\n
      <p>Because of this, there are 3 new shares listed on the IDX this year which have been included in the FTSE global index calculations, namely PGEO, HILL, and CUAN.</p>\r\n
      <p>On the other hand, there are shares that are excluded from the micro cap calculation, namely Acest Indonusa (ACST), Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (ADMF), Astra Otoparts (AUTO), Bintang Mitra Semestaraya (BMSR), Buyung Poetra Sembada (HOKI), Indofarma (INAF), Kino Indonesia (KINO), KMI Wire &amp; Cable (KBLI), Nusantara Infrastructure (META), Nusantara Tin Plates (NIKL), Petrosea (PTRO), Sillo Maritime Perdana (SHIP).</p>\r\n
      <p>For your information, FTSE Russell is a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) which produces, maintains, licenses and markets stock market indices.</p>\r\n
      <p>Editor: <strong>Theresa Sandra Desfika</strong> (<a href="mailto:theresa.sandra@investor.id">theresa.sandra@investor.id</a>)</p>\r\n
      <p>News Source: <a href="News%20Source:%20https:/investor.id/market/338404/3-saham-baru-listing-masuk-indeks-ftse-bareng-bumi-resources-bumi-bukalapak-buka/2">https://investor.id/market/338404/3-saham-baru-listing-masuk-indeks-ftse-bareng-bumi-resources-bumi-bukalapak-buka/2</a></p>\r\n
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    +"created_at": "2023-09-04 03:32:37"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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    +"category_slug": "media-release"
    +"category_name": "Media Release"
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  11 => {#379
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    +"title": "tes"
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    +"created_at": "2023-08-24 03:03:30"
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  12 => {#380
    +"id": "13"
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    +"category_id": "1"
    +"title": "Rebalancing Indeks FTSE Russell, BUMI dan BRMS Masuk Small Cap"
    +"title_en": "FTSE Russell Index Rebalancing, BUMI and BRMS Enter Small Cap"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p><strong>KONTAN.CO.ID -&nbsp;JAKARTA.</strong> Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) Russell mengocok ulang susunan penghuni Indeks FTSE Global Equity Indonesia dalam semi annual review September 2023.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Dua saham Grup MNC, PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/MNCN">MNCN</a>) dan PT MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/MSIN">MSIN</a>) terdepak dari kelompok saham kapitalisasi menengah alias mid cap.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Sementara itu, kelompok kapitalisasi kecil alias small cap, kedatangan enam pendatang baru. Ada PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/BUKA">BUKA</a>), PT Bumi Resources Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/BUMI">BUMI</a>) dan PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/BRMS">BRMS</a>).&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Kemudian PT Mitra Aktif Perkasa Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/MAPA">MAPA</a>), PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/MNCN">MNCN</a>) dan PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/PGEO">PGEO</a>) masuk ke dalam kategori saham berkapitalisasi kecil.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Dalam perubahan ini, saham PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/KRAS">KRAS</a>) dan PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/HEAL">HEAL</a>) terdepak dari kategori small cap.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Kelompok micro cap juga ramai kedatangan pendatang baru. Setidaknya, ada 12 saham yang masuk dalam indeks dengan kapitalisasi saham micro ini.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA), PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/TUGU">TUGU</a>), PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/BJTM">BJTM</a>) dan PT Darma Henwa Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/DEWA">DEWA</a>) masuk ke dalam kelompok micro cap.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/ENRG">ENRG</a>), PT Hartadinata Abadi Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/HRTA">HRTA</a>), PT Hillcon Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/HILL">HILL</a>) dan PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/IPCC">IPCC</a>) juga masuk kelompok ini.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Kemudian ada PT Industri dan Perdagangan Bintraco Dharma Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/CARS">CARS</a>), PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/KRAS">KRAS</a>), PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/CUAN">CUAN</a>) dan PT Sumber Tani Agung Resources Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/STAA">STAA</a>).&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Sebaliknya masih ada 12 saham yang terdepak dari kelompok micro cap, PT Acset Indonusa Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/ACST">ACST</a>), PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/ADMF">ADMF</a>), PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/AUTO">AUTO</a>) dan PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/BMSR">BMSR</a>).&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Saham PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/HOKI">HOKI</a>), PT Kino Indonesia Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/KINO">KINO</a>), PT KMI Wire &amp; Cable Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/KBLI">KBLI</a>) dan PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/META">META</a>) juga harus keluar dari indeks ini.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Terakhir saham yang terdepak dari kelompok micro cap ada PT Pelat Timah Indonesia Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/NIKL">NIKL</a>), PT Petrosea Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/PTRO">PTRO</a>), PT Indofarma Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/INAF">INAF</a>) dan PT Sillo Maritime Perdana Tbk (<a href="https://pusatdata.kontan.co.id/quote/SHIP">SHIP</a>).&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p>Perubahan dalam semi annual review ini bakal efektif pada penutupan perdagangan 15 September 2022 mendatang atau tepatnya pada perdagangan 18 September 2022.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sumber berita: https://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/rebalancing-indeks-ftse-russell-bumi-dan-brms-masuk-small-cap</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p><strong>KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA</strong>. Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) Russell reshuffled the composition of the residents of the FTSE Global Equity Indonesia Index in the September 2023 semi-annual review.</p>\r\n
      <p>Two shares of the MNC Group, PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN) and PT MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk (MSIN) were dropped from the mid cap stock group.</p>\r\n
      <p>Meanwhile, for the small capitalization group, aka small cap, the arrival of six newcomers. There are PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA), PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) and PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS).</p>\r\n
      <p>Then PT Mitra Active Perkasa Tbk (MAPA), PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (MNCN) and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGEO) fall into the category of small capitalization stocks.</p>\r\n
      <p>In this change, the shares of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS) and PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL) were dropped from the small cap category.</p>\r\n
      <p>The micro cap group is also full of new arrivals. At least, there are 12 stocks included in the index with this micro share capitalization.</p>\r\n
      <p>PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA), PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk (TUGU), PT Regional Development Bank East Java Tbk (BJTM) and PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) are included in the micro cap group.</p>\r\n
      <p>PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG), PT Hartadinata Abadi Tbk (HRTA), PT Hillcon Tbk (HILL) and PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk (IPCC) are also included in this group.</p>\r\n
      <p>Then there are PT Industry and Trade Bintraco Dharma Tbk (CARS), PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KRAS), PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN) and PT Sumber Tani Agung Resources Tbk (STAA).</p>\r\n
      <p>On the other hand, there are still 12 shares that were kicked out of the micro cap group, PT Acset Indonusa Tbk (ACST), PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk (ADMF), PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (AUTO) and PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk (BMSR).</p>\r\n
      <p>The shares of PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI), PT Kino Indonesia Tbk (KINO), PT KMI Wire &amp; Cable Tbk (KBLI) and PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META) must also leave this index.</p>\r\n
      <p>Finally, the shares that were kicked out of the micro cap group were PT Pelat Timah Indonesia Tbk (NIKL), PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), PT Indofarma Tbk (INAF) and PT Sillo Maritime Perdana Tbk (SHIP).</p>\r\n
      <p>Changes in this semi-annual review will be effective at the close of trading on the upcoming 15 September 2022 or to be precise on trading 18 September 2022.</p>\r\n
      <p>Original News: https://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/rebalancing-indeks-ftse-russell-bumi-dan-brms-masuk-small-cap</p>\r\n
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    +"created_at": "2023-08-24 01:58:39"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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  13 => {#381
    +"id": "12"
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    +"category_id": "2"
    +"title": "Komitmen Hillcon dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup"
    +"title_en": "Hillcon's Commitment of Environmental Preservation"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Sebagai bentuk aktualisasi komitmen pelestarian lingkungan, seluruh jobsite Hillcon dengan antusias melaksanakan berbagai macam kegiatan menjaga lingkungan, diantaranya: pembersihan sampah, pelepasliaran satwa, dan aksi penanaman pohon.</p>\r\n
      <p>Perayaan ini menjadi momen penting untuk meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap Lingkungan Hidup dan menjadi salah satu langkah maju untuk mendorong pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan secara kondusif terhadap lingkungan agar tercapai Sustainable Development Goals sesuai dengan target Environmental, Social, dan Governance (ESG) pada bisnis perseroan.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>As a form of actualization of the commitment to environmental preservation, all Hillcon jobsites enthusiastically carry out various kinds of activities to protect the environment, including: cleaning up trash, releasing animals, and planting trees.</p>\r\n
      <p>This celebration is an important moment to increase awareness of the environment and is one of the steps forward to encourage sustainable growth that is conducive to the environment in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) targets in the company&#39;s business.</p>\r\n
    +"upload_ids": null
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    +"tags": null
    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2023-08-22 08:41:54"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
    +"deleted_at": null
    +"created_by": null
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    +"deleted_by": null
    +"category_slug": "csr"
    +"category_name": "CSR"
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  14 => {#382
    +"id": "11"
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    +"category_id": "2"
    +"title": "Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia 2023"
    +"title_en": "Commemoration of World's Environment Day"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Hillcon berkolaborasi dengan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Suku Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Jakarta Timur dalam melaksanakan Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia tahun 2023. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pelepasliaran satwa burung dan penanaman pohon sebanyak 382 bibit yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah di Jakarta Timur yang termasuk dalam Program Kampung Iklim (PROKLIM).</p>\r\n
      <p>Dalam sambutannya, Direktur PT Hillcon Tbk, Rudi Santoso, mengatakan: &quot;Pada Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup ini, PT Hillcon Tbk. bekerja sama dengan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI Jakarta dan Suku Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Jakarta Timur melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan promotif dan implementatif yang mendukung pelestarian lingkungan berupa penanaman pohon dan pelepas liaran satwa burung.&quot;</p>\r\n
      <p>Environmental Specialist PT Hillcon Tbk yang juga selaku Ketua Panitia Kegiatan, John Anderson menambahkan: &ldquo;Ini merupakan momentum kolaborasi yang baik antara Hillcon dan DLH DKI Jakarta, dimana kami menujukkan komitmen dalam mendukung target penurunan emisi GRK nasional melalui Program Kampung Iklim. Disamping itu, kegiatan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran bagi seluruh karyawan PT Hillcon Tbk dan seluruh masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan&rdquo;.</p>\r\n
      <p>Kegiatan ini merupakan wujud komitmen PT Hillcon Tbk dalam memperioritaskan aspek Environmental, Social, dan Governance (ESG) pada bisnis perseroan.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>Hillcon collaborated with DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service and the East Jakarta Environmental Sub-Department in commemorating World Environment Day 2023. Activities including releasing birds and planting 382 tree seedlings spread across several areas in East Jakarta which are included in the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM).</p>\r\n
      <p>In his remarks, the Director of PT Hillcon Tbk, Rudi Santoso, said: &quot;In commemoration of this Environment Day, PT Hillcon Tbk., in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency and the East Jakarta Environment Agency, carry out various promotive and implementative activities that support environmental preservation. in the form of planting trees and releasing wild birds.&quot;</p>\r\n
      <p>Environmental Specialist PT Hillcon Tbk who is also the Chair of the Activity Committee, John Anderson added: &quot;This is a good collaboration momentum between Hillcon and DLH DKI Jakarta, where we show our commitment to support the national GHG emission reduction target through the Climate Village Program. Besides that, this activity also aims to raise awareness for all employees of PT Hillcon Tbk and the whole community about the importance of protecting the environment.&rdquo;</p>\r\n
      <p>This activity is a form of PT Hillcon Tbk&#39;s commitment to prioritizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects of the company&#39;s business.</p>\r\n
    +"upload_ids": null
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    +"tags": null
    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2023-08-22 08:39:38"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
    +"deleted_at": null
    +"created_by": null
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    +"deleted_by": null
    +"category_slug": "csr"
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  15 => {#383
    +"id": "8"
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    +"category_id": "2"
    +"title": "Kegiatan Siaga Bencana Semeru"
    +"title_en": "Disaster Alertness Activity on Semeru"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Sesuai dengan surat Edaran B-5831/MB.07/DBT.KP/2021 Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan/Kepala Inspektur Tambang Kementerian ESDM. Sehubungan dengan terjadinya erupsi guguran awan panas pada aktivitas Gunung Api Semeru yang terjadi di Provinsi Jawa Timur serta berdampak pada area sekitarnya pada hari Sabtu, 4 Desember 2021 pukul 14:50 WIB, dimana menimbulkan korban kepada masyarakat sekitar dan juga kerusakan kendaraan, rumah, bangunan/gedung dan sarana prasarana lainnya. PT. Hillconjaya Sakti menurunkan Tim Tanggap Darurat yaitu tim logistik &amp; medis untuk membantu masyarakat sekitar yang terdampak.</p>\r\n
      <p>Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Tim Siaga Bencana PT. Hillconjaya Sakti yaitu pendistribusian Logistik (sembako), pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat dilakukan di beberapa desa dan bekerjasama dengan Tim Siaga Bencana ESDM. Dengan adanya aktivitas misi kemanusiaan ini, warga sekitar korban bencana alam pun merasa terbantu dan berterima kasih atas partisipasi dari PT. Hillconjaya Sakti.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>In accordance of Circular Letter B-5831/MB.07/DBT.KP/2021 Director of Engineering and the Environment/Head of Mining Inspector of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. As response of the eruption activity of hot cloud avalanches at Semeru Volcano, occurred in East Java Province as its impact on the surrounding area on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 14:50 WIB, which caused casualties to the surrounding community as well as damage to vehicles, houses, buildings buildings and other infrastructure facilities. PT. Hillconjaya Sakti deployed an Emergency Response Team, namely the logistics &amp; medical team to help the affected communities.</p>\r\n
      <p>Activities done by the Disaster Preparedness Team of PT. Hillconjaya Sakti, includes the distribution of logistics (food relief), health services for the community which are carried out in several villages and in collaboration with the ESDM Disaster Preparedness Team. With this humanitarian mission activity, local residents around the disaster area feel helped and are grateful for the participation of PT. Hillconjaya Sakti.</p>\r\n
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    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2022-01-04 07:04:07"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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  16 => {#384
    +"id": "7"
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    +"category_id": "3"
    +"title": "Site Sebuku Tanjung Coal (STC), Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan"
    +"title_en": "Site Sebuku Tanjung Coal (STC), Kotabaru, South Kalimantan"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Kemampuan Hillcon terbukti dengan pencapaian untuk mengerjakan produksi batubara sesuai RKAB yang ditargetkan oleh owner site mining / tambang. Pada awalnya site ini berbentuk pulau laut yang kemudian diolah dengan perencanaan terencana. Site STC turut membuka lapangan kerja dengan jumlah karyawan hampir 1.000 orang tenaga kerja, dimana 60% dari pekerja adalah masyarakat local. Dengan perkembangan besar seperti ini, maka STC ditargetkan terus meningkat secara produksi sehingga kedepannya akan terbuka lapangan kerja yang lebih banyak.</p>\r\n
      <p>RKAB Sebuku awalnya ditargetkan 1.8 juta ton per tahun pada tahun 2020 lalu dinaikan menjadi 3 juta ton per tahun di tahun 2021. Untuk memenuhi komitmen mencapai nilai RKAB ini, Hillcon terus menerus menambah unit kapasitas alat berat untuk mencapai target penambangan overburden batubara.&nbsp; Di tahun 2022, Hillcon akan meningkatkan targetnya menjadi 5 juta ton per tahun.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sebagai bentuk kepercayaan grup Sebuku, Hillcon juga turut melakukan projek konstruksi jalan untuk PT Sebuku Sejaka Coal yang terletak dekat site STC.</p>\r\n
      <p>RKAB (Rancangan Kegiatan Belanja) adalah nilai produksi mineral minimum yang perlu dicapai per tahunnya, Angka ini ditentukan oleh owner site dengan mempertimbangkan kapasitas kontraktor mining. Kalau ditingkatkan, berarti di tahun sebelumnya kinerja kontraktor miningnya bagus.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>Hillcon&#39;s capability is proven by its achievements to work on coal production in proportion of the RKAB targeted by the mining site owner. Initially this site was in the form of a sea island which later then is processed with a planned plan. STC site has created job opportunities with nearly 1,000 employees, of which 60% of the workers are local people. With major developments like this, STC is targeted to continue to increase in production so that in the future there will be more job opportunities.</p>\r\n
      <p>Sebuku&#39;s RKAB was initially targeted at 1.8 million tons per year in 2020 which then increased to 3 million tons per year in 2021. To fulfill the commitment to achieve this RKAB value, Hillcon continues to add units of heavy equipment capacity to achieve the coal overburden mining target. By 2022, Hillcon will increase its target to 5 million tons per year.</p>\r\n
      <p>As a form of trust by the Sebuku group, Hillcon also participated in a road construction project for PT Sebuku Sejaka Coal which located nearby of the STC site.</p>\r\n
      <p>RKAB (Rancangan Kegiatan Belanja) is the minimum mineral production value that needs to be achieved per year. This figure is determined by the site owner taking into account the capacity of the mining contractor. If the number is improved, it means that the mining contractor&#39;s performance in the previous year was satisfactory.</p>\r\n
    +"upload_ids": null
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    +"tags": null
    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2021-12-07 08:24:57"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
    +"deleted_at": null
    +"created_by": null
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    +"deleted_by": null
    +"category_slug": "project"
    +"category_name": "Project"
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  17 => {#385
    +"id": "6"
    +"company_id": "4"
    +"format_id": null
    +"icon": null
    +"cover": null
    +"category_id": "3"
    +"title": "Bendungan Lolak, Bolaang Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara"
    +"title_en": "DAM Lolak, Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Bendungan Lolak dibangun sebagai salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan program pemerintah, Presiden ketujuh Indonesia, Joko Widodo yang menargetkan pembangunan 24 bendungan. Hillcon melihat projek ini sebagai kesempatan untuk turut berkontribusi dalam membangun negeri Indonesia. Aktivitas yang dilakoni Hillcon dalam projek ini meliputi:</p>\r\n
      \t<p><strong>Clearing &amp; Grabing</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>Aktivitas pembersihan daerah pembangunan dari tanaman-tanaman dan semak belukar, pencabutan akar, dan pembersihan / striping top soil.</p>\r\n
      <p>Penggalian dan pengerukan tanah.</p>\r\n
      \t<p><strong>Cut &amp; Filling</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>Proses penimbunan tanah kosong galian. Metode yang digunakan adalah blasting (ledakan) dan material penimbunan berupa pasir dan batu-batuan hasil blasting.</p>\r\n
      <p>Dengan dibangunnya bendungan ini, kehidupan masyarakat sekitar sangat terbantu dengan adanya irigasi yang semakin lancar dimana panen pertanian padi yang dulunya hanya&nbsp; 1- 2 kali dalam setahun&nbsp; (karena hanya mengandalkan hujan) menjadi 3 kali setahun.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon mendapat pujian dari pemerintah Bolaang Mongondow setempat dimana hasil penyusunan batu-batu niprat (batu-batu penyangga bendungan sepanjang 1 &ndash; 2 meter per batu) tersusun dengan rapi seakan-akan disusun manual oleh tangan.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon mendapat zero accident award tingkat provinsi secara berturut-turut semenjak tahun 2019 &ndash; 2021 dari pemerintah provinsi setempat. Selain itu Hillcon juga memperoleh Penghargaan Kategori Platinum untuk Program Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan COVID-19 dari projek ini.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>Lolak Dam was built as a form of implementation of the government&#39;s program of the seventh President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, whom targeting construction of 24 national dams. Hillcon views this project as an opportunity to contribute in building infrastructure of Indonesia. Hillcon&#39;s activities in this project include:</p>\r\n
      <p><strong>&bull; Clearing &amp; Grab</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>Activities for cleaning the construction area from plants and shrubs, removing roots, and cleaning / striping top soil.</p>\r\n
      <p><strong>&bull; Excavation</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>Excavation and dredging of soil.</p>\r\n
      <p><strong>&bull; Cut &amp; Filling</strong></p>\r\n
      <p>The process of stockpiling vacant excavated land. The method used is blasting and stockpiling material in the form of sand and blasted rocks.</p>\r\n
      <p>Through the construction of this dam, lives of the surrounding community are greatly improved by the increasingly smooth irrigation where the rice farming harvest which used to be only 1-2 times a year (since it was only rely on rain) becomes 3 times a year.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon received praise from the local Bolaang Mongondow government where the results of the preparation of <em>niprat</em> stones (stones supporting the dam 1 &ndash; 2 meters per stone) were neatly arranged as they were arranged manually by hand.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon received a zero-accident award at the provincial level in a row from 2019 &ndash; 2021 from the local provincial government. In addition, Hillcon also received a Platinum Category Award for the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Program from this project.</p>\r\n
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    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2021-12-07 08:16:04"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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  18 => {#386
    +"id": "5"
    +"company_id": "4"
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    +"category_id": "3"
    +"title": "Weda Bay Nickel, Halmahera, Maluku Utara"
    +"title_en": "Weda Bay Nickel, Halmahera, North Maluku"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Weda Bay termasuk salah satu (dari 6 di Indonesia) objek vital nasional, dimana setiap aktivitas pertambangan maupun konstruksi harus diolah dengan extra hati-hati karena objek vital nasional ini merupakan site-site yang dilindungi negara karena merupakan sumber pendapatan dan dividen terbesar negara.</p>\r\n
      <p>Untuk menjadi bagian dari site ini, dibutuhkan keahlian tinggi dimana hanya 4 kontraktor yang dipercaya untuk mengelolah site ini (dengan masing-masing kontraktor menargetkan RKAB 4 juta ton per tahun).</p>\r\n
      <p>Kemampuan Hillcon terbukti dengan menjadi salah satu dari 4 perusahaan pemegang kontrak karya untuk komoditi nikel Weda Bay.</p>\r\n
      <p>Weda Bay adalah bagian dari Indonesia Weda Industrial Park (IWIP) dimana setiap hasil tambang nikel tidak diperbolehkan dijual ke pabrik lain selain IWIP (100% diolah IWIP). Sehingga dibutuhkan kepercayaan tinggi untuk mengolah nikel di site Weda Bay agar tidak terdistribusi ke perusahaan lain.</p>\r\n
      <p>Secara teknikal Weda Bay telah menerapkan sistem GMP (Good Mining Practice) yang cukup tinggi dan HIllcon telah berhasil mematuhi dengan baik dengan memenuhi kriteria man power, peralatan, dan sistem Weda Bay yang berstandar tinggi. Contohnya, tiap peralatan yang diizinkan beroperasi di site ini hanya boleh berusia maks. 2 tahun, tiap alat-alat wajib memiliki spek tinggi, pengamanan bagian depan mobil harus ditingkatkan, dsb. Hal ini membuktikan Hillcon mampu untuk menjadi perusahaan versatile yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan klien.</p>\r\n
      <p>RKAB Hillcon menargetkan 4 juta ton per tahun (rata-rata perusahaan ditargetkan 2 &ndash; 3 juta ton nikel per tahun). Hillcon dipercaya untuk memegang kontrak long term selama 4 tahun.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>Weda Bay is one of the national vital objects (out of 6) in Indonesia, where each mining and construction activity must be processed with extra care since these national vital objects are protected by the state as they are the country&#39;s largest source of income and dividends.</p>\r\n
      <p>To be a part of this site, high skills are required where only 4 contractors are trusted to manage this site (with each contractor targeting an RKAB of 4 million tons per year).</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon&#39;s ability is proven by being one of the 4 companies who hold contract of work for the nickel commodity, Weda Bay.</p>\r\n
      <p>Weda Bay is part of the Indonesia Weda Industrial Park (IWIP) where &nbsp;none of nickel mining products are not allowed to be sold to factories other than IWIP (100% processed by IWIP). Therefore, high level of reliance is needed to process nickel at the Weda Bay site so that it will not be distributed to other companies.</p>\r\n
      <p>Technically, Weda Bay has implemented a fairly high GMP (Good Mining Practice) system and HIllcon has successfully complied with by meeting the high standard of Weda Bay&#39;s man power, equipment, and system criteria. For example, any equipment permitted to operate on this site may only be max. 2 years, each tool must have high specs, the security of the front side of the car must be annually improved, etc. This proves that Hillcon is capable of being a versatile company with capability to meet client needs.</p>\r\n
      <p>Hillcon&rsquo;s RKAB is targeting 4 million tons per year (the average company is targeting 2-3 million tons of nickel per year). Hillcon is trusted enough to hold long term 4 years contracts.</p>\r\n
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    +"created_at": "2021-10-23 12:14:58"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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  19 => {#387
    +"id": "4"
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    +"category_id": "1"
    +"title": "PT Hillconjaya Sakti Salurkan 200 Bantuan Kesehatan untuk Penanganan Covid-19"
    +"title_en": "PT Hillconjaya Sakti Distributes 200 Health Aids for Handling Covid-19"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p>Jakarta - PT Hillconjaya Sakti menyalurkan bantuan sebanyak 200 jumlah alat pelindung diri (Hazmat Suit) bagi tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan area Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara dan Kalimantan Selatan (20/03/2020).</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      Bantuan kesehatan tersebut diberikan kepada wilayah-wilayah operasional PT Hillconjaya Sakti. Adapun wilayah yang termasuk ke dalamnya sebagai berikut:<br />\r\n
      1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Lolak (30 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;REI &amp; TMA (30 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;BMI (20 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;BPU (20 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      5.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;STO (40 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      6.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;TAPIN (10 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      7.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;AMO (10 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      8.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Kendari (35 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      9.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Jakarta Timur (5 Pcs)</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      PT Hillconjaya Sakti selalu berupaya dalam membantu masyarakat di sekitar wilayah operasional sebagai bentuk implementasi dari program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      Bantuan tersebut diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi tenaga kesehatan di daerah Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara dan Kalimantan Selatan, sebagai salah satu bentuk pencegahan Covid-19.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p>Jakarta - PT Hillconjaya Sakti distributed 200 pieces of personal protective equipment (Hazmat Suit) for health workers in health facilities in the Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, and South Kalimantan areas (20/03/2020).</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      The health assistance was given to the operational areas of PT Hillconjaya Sakti. The areas included in it are as follows:<br />\r\n
      1. Lolak (30 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      2. REI &amp; TMA (30 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      3. BMI (20 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      4. BPU (20 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      5. STO (40 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      6. TAPIN (10 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      7. AMO (10 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      8. Kendari (35 Pcs)<br />\r\n
      9. East Jakarta (5 Pcs)</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      PT Hillconjaya Sakti always strives to help the community around its operational area as a form of implementation of its corporate social responsibility program.</p>\r\n
      <p><br />\r\n
      The assistance is expected to be useful for health workers in Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, and South Kalimantan, as a form of preventing Covid-19.</p>\r\n
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    +"created_at": "2021-09-25 02:39:18"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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  20 => {#388
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    +"title": "Bahasa 3"
    +"title_en": "Inggris 3"
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    +"content": "<p>Konten 3</p>\r\n"
    +"content_en": "<p>Content 3</p>\r\n"
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    +"created_at": "2021-09-25 02:38:52"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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    +"title": "Bahasa 2"
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    +"content": "<p>Konten juga</p>\r\n"
    +"content_en": "<p>Content too</p>\r\n"
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    +"created_at": "2021-09-25 02:14:52"
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  22 => {#390
    +"id": "1"
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    +"title": "Keselamatan Pekerja Jadi Prioritas PT Hillcon"
    +"title_en": "Worker Safety Becomes PT Hillcon's Priority"
    +"slug": null
    +"content": """
      <p><strong>Jakarta, 27 Oktober 2021&nbsp;</strong>- PT Hillconjaya Sakti dengan ini mengumumkan bahwa perusahaan meraih sertifikat penghargaan di Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Bidang Jasa Kontruksi, dari Kementrian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia. Penghargaan tersebut diterima berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia No. 37 Tahun 2021.</p>\r\n
      <p>Penghargaan tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk upaya pencegahan dari kemungkinan terjadinya kecelekaan kerja pada karyawan dan pekerja atau orang lain yang berada di lokasi proyek. Penghargaan ini merupakan acara tahunan yang menjadi salah satu kegiatan pengawasan sekaligus penghargaan dari Pemerintah kepada perusahaan yang telah melaksanakan usaha-usaha penyelamatan manusia dan peralatan serta menjaga lingkungan pertambangan.</p>\r\n
    +"content_en": """
      <p><strong>Jakarta, 27 October 2021</strong> - PT Hillconjaya Sakti hereby announces that the company has received a certificate of appreciation in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the Construction Services Sector, from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The award was received based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 37 Year 2021.</p>\r\n
      <p>The award is realized in the form of prevention efforts from the possibility of work accidents to employees and workers or other people who are at the project site. This award is an annual event that is one of the monitoring activities as well as an award from the Government to companies that have carried out efforts to save people and equipment and protect the mining environment.</p>\r\n
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    +"file": null
    +"created_at": "2021-09-25 01:47:05"
    +"updated_at": "2024-04-22 12:08:59"
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    +"created_by": null
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    +"deleted_by": null
    +"category_slug": "media-release"
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